Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Izzy, X-Rays, Ice Cream and the "Fat Bachelor"

One week later, I'm still not walking and the swelling continues. But over the past few days, I have been so fortunate and grateful for the many visitors and phone calls.

Yesterday, I had a pretty (physically) intense day. In the morning, Zoe brought her lovely self and Isobel over for a visit. As always, it was great catching up with Zoe and Izzy was a darling - very smart, curious and a runner at 1! I probably shouldn't have "chased" her around but she's just tooooooo cute. This left me with little energy until my appointment at the sports clinic later in the afternoon. Chris dropped me off and my mom accompanied me the whole time - it was my first day out of the house, wearing shoes, since Wednesday!

My appointment was short: the physiotherapist and the doctor (with an iron ring) touched my knee, in search for the spot that hurt and found it when I twitched and screamed. They ordered x-rays (though I feel they should've ordered an MRI too), which I did immediately after, and am scheduled to see the orthopedic surgeon today. The timing works out perfectly as that doctor just happens to be at the hospital today and there are some openings. Otherwise, the waiting list to see an orthopedic surgeon is 8 months! Yikes! So today, is hopefully the day, where some light will be shed on the injury.

After the x-rays, my dad picked us up and we headed to Chinatown for some dinner. Crutching around has really strengthened my left leg and toned my arms =) When we got home, my mom had to clean my crutches because 1. we were trekking around the hospital and 2. we were trekking around Chinatown (enough said, and we are still plagued by the Toronto garbage strike. Yuck!). Thank you mommy!

Andrea and Jesse also stopped by last night with ice cream (Yum!) and we watched Survivorman, MLB and the finale of Bachelorette. We even watched the first episode of a reality show called "More to Love" (i.e. Fat Bachelor). Lots of jokes ensued. I LOVE when they visit. Oh, and here is a (iPhone) picture of the beautiful flowers that Andrea sent last week from King West Flowers. She is the best! She also ordered her wedding bouquet and my bridesmaid bouquet from this store - I may have to do the same!

Flowers from Andrea (iPhone quality)

After they left, I had a nice chat with Chris followed by my most relaxing time of the day, talking to Jeff before bed. Even though we are far apart, he has been outstanding and attentive. Very sweet.

Today, I plan on resting until I go back to the hospital. Shouldn't be too hard considering it's the first day I'm alone so there is only so much I can do. I'll have to read some papers on the nature of financial statement fraud for my thesis, or something that is just as exciting.

On an unrelated note, what has happened to summers in Toronto? Will it ever stop raining?

-ange xx

Friday, July 24, 2009

Out of Commission

I had all these wonderful wedding-related plans this weekend, from trying on dresses and an informal food tasting at Arcadian court, to showing my mom-to-be and sis-to-be the venue. However, someone (up above) made different plans for me.

On Wednesday evening, as I was playing defense during an Ultimate game, I attempted to block a guy from catching the disc (and did!) but landed awkwardly. My knee twisted and I heard a pop! Fortunately, the field was close to home so my parents were able to get me in 10 minutes and brought me to the hospital. The doctors believe it is a tear in my medial meniscus but I'll have to be reassess on Tuesday, once the swelling goes down.

Holy fat (tanned) knee Batman!

For now, I am in a knee brace, with crutches, and in some pain =( I'm glad I didn't break any bones but I can't help but be scared... I can't walk at all right now and am frustrated that I cannot do everyday things.

My new fashion accessories

I'm just sooooooo lucky I have my mom and dad, and Chris to take care of me. And Jeff to talk me through it over Skype. And Andrea for sending me beautiful flowers. And Maygan for all the cheer. And my team for their sweetness. And I'm grateful for everyone's well wishes!

I'm optimistic that I'll recover quickly... I just need to give my body rest. I'll also use this as an opportunity to slow down. Spend more time on thesis, perhaps? =)

-ange xx

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Possible Colour Palettes

After being away from Toronto for 6 weeks out of the last 8, I've found that I have a lot of catching up to do. The conference in Philly went well. I got lots of encouragement from Professors but I have to admit I'm overwhelmed by how much I have to do. But before I get back to my PhD research, I had to finish some outstanding work that the Boss gave me, which included editing my Master's paper and preparing a presentation for another conference at McMaster next Tuesday. Needless to say, I have had to be productive over the last two days - so focused that I finished both tasks! I'm now rewarding myself with this blog break!

Now for fun stuff: I've also been excited about thoughts of our wedding - date still TBD. In addition to looking at venues, I've been trying to decide on a colour palette - the most important factor is that the girls look good. Here are some of my ideas. You, too, can play with the colour selections and dress designs on the Dessy website. If any combinations tickle your fancy, please let me know. Personally, I'm drawn to blue because it's my favourite colour but it's a difficult one to match. I also really like the dark red.

Amethyst with venetian gold sash

Venetian gold with claret sash

Claret with venetian gold sash

Midnight with periwinkle sash

More on venues later!

-ange xx

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

An Update!

For the past two weeks, I have been away with Jeff and the family in Hawaii. It was unbelievable! We had a fantastic time. In fact, I've been sad since yesterday because 1. I won't see Jeff until August and 2. the concrete jungle of Toronto is cold yet humid and smelly from the garbage strike. I'll have to find some time to share photos and stories , but I'm off to Philadelphia on Thursday for a conference, and will not be back until the following Tuesday - which means, blogging will have to wait =(

Anyhoo, Jeff introduced me to his new iPhone 3GS which can capture video - how cool is that? He was able to take a video of us on the Big Island, at its most gorgeous beach called Mauna Kea.

Video Courtesy of Jeff

More updates on volcanoes, rainfalls, beaches and so much more later!

-ange xx