Monday, May 3, 2010

Cassidy's One Month Dinner

Last night, after dropping Jeff off at the airport (sad - but I will blog about his trip home in the next post), we all went to Cassidy's One Month dinner in Chinatown. I can't believe how fast time flies - feels like just yesterday that I went to visit Ann and Dave at the hospital to see baby girl Tran for the first time.

She looked super cute in her summer dress last night and while I didn't get a chance to take a picture of her with our own camera, I'm sure I'll be getting an email with a link later. For now, we'll just have to "awww" at this pic of Jeff holding Cassidy at two weeks old.

Our first visit with Cassidy at home

-ange xx

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Happy 25th Birthday Chris!

Yesterday, we celebrated LB's (aka lil' brother or lil' bird or Chris) 25th birthday. We had brunch at Boom and a delicious dinner at Loire, followed by a trek across the street to Dessert Trends where we picked up lots of mini-cakes! My favourite was the green tea creme brulee. Yum!!!!!!!

All of us looking ready for dessert!

-ange xx